6 Myths That Stop Simple Business Ideas From Becoming Reality
Do you dream of starting a business, but somehow, some way you found a way to talk yourself out of it? Maybe you came up with a few simple business…
How Do I Sell a Distressed Business?
As the Great Recession in the US starts to heal and spread through the economy, many business owners are looking to sell their business and regain control of their lives.…
The Power Of Hotel Branding – Brand Equity
The consumer’s awareness and associations lead to perceived quality, inferred attributes, and eventually brand loyalty. This perspective is labelled as customer-based brand equity. A strong brand provides a series of…
An Insight on Branding in the Recession
Recession, meltdown, slowdown, economic doom, downturn, stagnation – whatever you may call it, is the best time to invest in branding. Why? Well, when money is tight people tend to…
Branding – Building a Brand Through Strong Marketing
“A great brand raises the bar — it adds a greater sense of purpose to the experience, whether it’s the challenge to do your best in sports and fitness, or…
What is an Employer Brand and Why Should You Care?
There is an increasing body of evidence that makes the case for solid employer brand management. From an organization’s point of view, an employer brand encapsulates the key qualities current…
Form a Nevada L.L.C.: Everything You Need to Know
It is known as among the most popular State for chartering of business. Nevada is the best place to start your company due to the following reasons: It has no…